Thursday, May 24, 2012

Keanu Solovi.. Kearns High School.. Class of 2012

Introducing the " the boy next door".. Keanu Solovi, Kearns High.. Class of 2012..
Keanu has literally grown up before my eyes, he has played football with my son David since they both didn't know to put their equipment on.. Yes that long.
Keanu is one of the best running backs I've seen.. Yes I'm a coach.. lol.. When this kid gets the ball you already know he's gonna score make sure you watch him and only him because if you blink you will miss the whole thing. Keanu is going to college in Colorado, where he received a scholarship. With his charming personality and his great attitude in life and athletic ability we will see him shine in the future..
To the Solovi family especially Keanu.. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation, it has been my honor to cheer for you on the sideline and to watch you grow into a handsome and talented young man.

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